Quattro Group British Supersport and GP2/HEL Supersport Cup: Kennedy beats Stapleford to Sprint win

Quattro Group British Supersport and GP2/HEL Supersport Cup: Kennedy beats Stapleford to Sprint win

15 June 2024

Jack Kennedy emerged the victor after a race-long battle with Luke Stapleford in today’s Sprint race at Knockhill.

After a dominant start to the weekend, topping free practice and then qualifying on pole, the multiple champ celebrated the win at the end of the 18-lap dash.

Stapleford was quickest off the line and led for most of the first lap, but Kennedy was ahead before the pair crossed the line to start the second and from there, the pair battled together for the remainder of the race.

Stapleford got back ahead briefly but Kennedy was soon back through into the lead and although Stapleford kept him honest throughout, he was unable to keep the pace and had to settle for second.

Alastair Seeley took third, as Eugene McManus crossed the line fourth after a very late battle with GP2 runner Owen Jenner.

Jenner had to make do with fifth and being the first GP2 rider home, as his Kramer team-mate Jack Nixon was second in the class with Keo Walker third.

Local rider Adon Davie rode a strong race to take Cup honours and 11th place overall, as Mikey Hardie was second and Lynden Leatherland third.

Quattro Group British Supersport and GP2/HEL Supersport Cup, Sprint race:

1.    Jack Kennedy (Honda Racing UK)
2.    Luke Stapleford (Macadam Triumph Racing) +3.153s
3.    Alastair Seeley (Binch Pro Yamaha) +7.891s
4.    Eugene McManus (ROKiT Haslam Racing) +9.309s
5.    Owen Jenner (Kramer Racing) +9.553s
